Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
We have wonderful ministries for your children during our services, from newborn through elementary age. Your children will enjoy age-appropriate teaching from the Bible, sing songs, and play games. The welfare of your children is a priority to us at Waipio GBC. Therefore, all of our teachers and staff have been trained in regards to child protection policies. We also run background checks on all of our adults who participate in any way with our children’s ministries. This helps to maintain a level confidence that we can give to parents as they drop off their children. We offer several options to parents with children during our service times:
•There is a nursery to meet the needs of those who have infants and very young children.
•We have Children’s Church during the Sunday Morning Service (10:00 AM) after we worship corporately with the entire family.
You are also welcomed to have your children sit in the sanctuary with you so long as they are not disruptive to others who are learning.
•There is a nursery to meet the needs of those who have infants and very young children.
•We have Children’s Church during the Sunday Morning Service (10:00 AM) after we worship corporately with the entire family.
You are also welcomed to have your children sit in the sanctuary with you so long as they are not disruptive to others who are learning.